Himalayan Pink Salt
It is known to remove negative energy that might be in your home
A very popular charm is havingHimalayan pink salt for good luck. Salt has been used for thousands of years as a deterrent to evil and forces that bring about bad luck. Many religions indicate salt as one of the purest substances on earth, and one that can be used to protect someone from evil influences by providing a pure barrier that impure spirits cannot cross.
You will not only attract cash into your home, but this also ensures that too much money doesn’t leave your wallet as well.

Ginger is often used for its ability to improve love and sensuality. So, if you are looking for ways to include a lot of richness and draw good luck in your life then make sure to use ginger. Keep ginger in your home for good luck.

Red Chilies
In Hinduism, it is believed that red chilies can prevent an evil eye—also referred to as buri nazar “Evil eye” refers to the negative vibrations or black energy can bring bad luck into your life.You can ward off others jealousy or envy by keeping red chilli flakes in your home.

Birds Feathers
Feathers appear when angels are near. A pair of birds feathers acts as a good love charm and brings you luck and love! You will find love and will also be able to attract someone charming.

Silver Coin
Silver represents money. a true symbol of abundance, wealth as well prosperity to savings. Silver is believed to be one of the things you must keep in your home for good luck. The second reason it should be in your home is that silver is a metal. It is also a symbol of abundance, wealth as well as the propensity to saving.

Cinnamon will actually help you open up the paths of financial improvement and it cleans your body from bad luck. It is very helpful for casting good luck spells and removing negativity in our environment. It also has some mystical powers related to prosperity, success and love. Cinnamon is used by many people for the purpose of bringing good fortune in business, money matters and game of chance too.

Fish Scales
The scales of the fish are thought to be good luck and prosperity so having them in home should bring good luck to you!
In many Eastern European cultures, fish scales are associated with wealth and abundance and are associated with wealth and abundance and are a common ingredient in many money drawing spells and rituals.

If you see sugarcane while on your way to work or during your morning walk, then that means you will soon receive some money.
Many cultures and tradition see sugarcane as a lucky charm that attracts wealth and they place them one on each side of their main entrance door to welcome prosperity and happiness into their home.

Pomogranate Seeds
Pomegranate seeds are symbols of abundance, ferlility and good luck. Seeds are round and coinlike, which makes them automatically lucky by the rules we have already set forth.
Pomegranates are red color, which represents the human heart, denotes life and fertility; their medicinal properties represent health; and their abundant, round seeds represent prosperity — all things everyone hopes for in any fresh start

Lotus Seeds
Lotus seeds are considered very lucky if you keep some in your home that brings long-term financial stability and mental health.

Clove is used to treat magic spells and matters related to growth, legal matters, meditation, money, prosperity, settling legal matters, and spirituality. Cloves are masculine in nature and aligned with the planet Jupiter and the element of fire. Used in magic to attract good luck and prosperity, to keep good friends close, and to help stop malicious gossip

Bird Droppings
Throughout the ages, bird droppings have been said to bring wealth. Birds are laden with mystical and magical symbolism and meanings. Some cultures believe that birds are messengers of supernatural beings and should one visit your home, you will be getting some good news soon and often bring with them good news related to romantic partnerships.

Rice Grains
Rice grains represent good life and abundance. It is one of the major necessities that people need. It is also believe to reduce the urge of spending when you have it in your home.21 is a very lucky number so having 21 rice grains with you will bring a lot of good luck to you and your family

Having a small lump of coal for luck is a long held superstition and it has became a symbol of progress and wealth. In theatre superstition, standing on stage and throwing a piece of coal into the gallery is meant to ensure a successful future for a new theatre
A box of coal and a plate of salt should be the first items taken into an empty house before moving in the furniture. It either improve one’s health or to increase one’s prosperity.

Pig Teeth
Pigs seem to have associations with luck all over the world.
A symbol of wealth and fertility, maybe due to the fact that pig farmers are never short of something to eat and that pig litters are often sizeable! Pigs were indeed a prized item to have in history so therefore became associated with all the good things that come with excess money.
Heavily intertwined in the culture of Europe there are phrases in German, Norweigan, Swedish and Irish that all involve the concept of a “lucky pig.

Red Colour have the power to influence one’s mood. It is believed to usher in special significance in our lives. The colour red represents happiness, beauty and good luck. The colour red also symbolizes good luck and prosperity; so if you want to attract the power of the planets, then keep a red-coloured cloth in your home or pocket in order to attract good luck.

As per Vastu, the colour purple symbolises wealth. Keeping purple coloured themes indoor bring a lot of positivity.

Turmeric is one of the most significant condiment in the box of spices. As far as superstitions are concerned, turmeric is known to ward off negative energies. People may tie some turmeric powder in a red cloth and keep it at various corners to protect their house from the evil eye.

Bees are considered extremely auspicious throughout the world. They have been considered to be messengers carrying news to the spirit world in many cultures.
Bees were believed to have knowledge of the future and secret matters and thus bring good luck and prosperity. They symbolize abundance and attracting fortune and wealth into one’s life
Bees are creating liquid gold – honey, and that is why it is considered that through that analogy they will bring the abundance in your home as well. The nest is a sign of good fortune awaiting you in the near future.
Because of such a good symbolism that bees have, people often keep bee hives behind their houses to attract that positive and abundant energy into their homes. It is believed that they will bring progress to the house near which they live.
To conclude, a honey bee comb in house is a good sign, indicating success, wealth, prosperity and other good things.

Bamboo will bring good luck and prosperity to the place where it is present. It is also known to enhance the flow of positive energy in the home and office. It is known to create the sense of balance and safety in life.

Egg Shell
In ancient Voodoo, eggs were key ingredients in spells that brought good fortune, and helped in getting rid of bad energy surrounding your home. Eggs are also a signal of weather and crop seasons.

Argentinians prepare themselves for the New Year by eating beans for good luck. Whether they eat them on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day, Argentinians believe that the beans will bring them luck and security in their jobs. A cheap and deliciously easy way to gain a sense of job security and peace of mind for the year to come!

Om Symbol
Keeping an object of Om symbol in home or workplace and drawing swastika at the entrance of the house attracts power, peace, good luck, and prosperity. Aum Tapestry is also great way to bring power of aum to space.

Three keys worn together symbolize the unlocking of the doors to health, wealth and love.

Peacock Feathers
Having peacock feather in your home will bring good luck and when going for a date It will work magic.

Having a spider in your home brings a lot of good luck and fortune and the term “money spider” describes many charms they hold. Getting one caught in your hair will bring good luck and increased riches. Money spider running over clothes that are being worn is a sign they will soon be replaced by new threads. And, if an eight-legged crawler is caught and pocketed, that pocket will never be empty of ready funds.

Jade Stone
The Jade crystal, known to bless whatever it touches, this ancient good luck stone has been on Earth for millions of years. Not only does the Jade bring you luck but it can bring you abundance, opportunities, and is said to purportedly protect you from evil. It represents balance and harmony and It’s a perfect stone for grounding, balancing the body, and calming the nervous system.
It could also make you a money magnet since that are believed to add digits to your bank balance.

Rudraksha represents Agni Devta (Fire God). As Fire destroys impurities without being affected & always remains pure, so does the Rudraksha. It helps to destroy the malefic effects like Negativity, Impure thoughts, and restores positivity. Italso curbs anger and is said to be effective in boosting Self-confidence . Benefits, to overcome any sought of negativity, impure thoughts, anxiety & stress.

Do you know that sea shells manage to invite good vibes at your home and workplace? It is traditionally followed that having 7 coloured cowries in your home can attract good energy and can bring in abundance of luck in one’s life.

Cats Eye Stone
Cat eyes stone is said to protect your wealth. It is believed that the stone will shield you from unforeseen business losses and help attain financial stability.

The ancient Egyptians used to place ladders in their tombs to help the souls of the dead towards heaven for this reason, the ladder represents a symbol of good luck

Ringing Bells
Bells are traditionally chimed at Irish weddings to keep evil spirits away and to ensure a harmonious family life. Some Irish brides even carry small bells in their bouquets as a reminder of their sacred wedding vows, and they are a common gift for newlyweds.

The horseshoe is considered very lucky and used to be hung in many homes to protect and attract good fortune for the family residing inside. The horseshoe could keep evil spirits out of their homes, and thus bring in good fortune. Horseshoe is probably one of the best-known symbols of good luck.

The tortoise, in Chinese mythology, is considered as a spiritual creature which signifies longevity. It also helps in focusing the positive energy in the house and to protect your home from negative energies.
According to Feng Shui, tortoise can be used for wish-fulfilment also

Ladybugs are considered harmless and even beneficial when it comes to luck. Many cultures over the centuries have cherished ladybugs, believing they bring good luck. It is believed that when a ladybug lands on someone, the bug brings love, good weather, financial success or simply luck. Feng shui, the art of arranging spaces for optimum flow of energy, often incorporates the ladybug symbol. It is also believed that if a ladybug lands on something such as a car, furniture, a house or any other object, you will receive a brand new version of that very thing.

The hamsa is a palm-shaped amulet popular throughout the Maghreb and in the Middle East and commonly used in attracting luck and to provide defense against the evil eye. Depicting the open right hand, an image recognized and used as a sign of protection in many times throughout history, the hamsa is believed by Middle Easterners. It is said to protect people from negative energy and bring happiness to the beholder.

Elephants as a symbol for good luck are common all over Asia, but they are especially prominent in India and Thailand. They symbolize strength, power, stability, and wisdom. Many people believe that an elephant facing your door will bring good luck into your home. As a result, many business owners in Asia will place elephants in the entrance of their shops for good luck.

Evil Eye
It is said that ‘the eye is the window to the soul’ as it often reveals our true emotions to the outside world. But there is one ‘look’ that is shrouded in mystery and folklore: The Evil Eye.
Evil Eye charm has traditionally been adopted by many cultures as a symbol of protection against harm where envy or malevolence is inflicted on one person by another. A positive force, the charm helps the bearer to deflect bad feeling or evil away. If someone is thinking or wishing negatively towards you, the evil eye will protect you from their ill intentions. This is why it’s important to have an evil eye at all times.

Make all your dreams come true using stardust. Angels will bless you in your dreams

The Triangle Of Luck
The triangle of luck symbolize Good fortune, wisdom, prosperity, good luck, peaceful life and protector from evil spirit.

Four-Leaf Clover
Four-leaf clovers are an ancient Irish symbol of luck. Celts believed that a four-leaf clover could help them see fairies and avoid their mischief, a common source of bad luck. The four leaves were rumored to have mystical powers representing positive attributes. Some legends attribute them to faith, hope, love, and luck, while others say they’ll bring fame, wealth, health, and faithful love.

Chinese Coins
Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice that uses meaningful symbols to bring positive and lucky energies into your home and life. One of these symbols is that of Chinese coins. If you’re interested in feng shui, you’ve probably seen these coins strung together with red cord and wondered about their significance. In feng shui, Chinese coins are powerful and meaningful amulets that can be used in your home to invite abundance, good fortune, and prosperity.

Red Incense
For centuries, people are using incense for a variety of reasons. From the utilitarian purposes of covering unsavory scents to bringing good luck, incense has proven to be an invaluable tool in the spiritual and physical worlds.
Red incense is said to bring a lot of good luck to the person who uses it and the place will be filled with wealth where it is kept.

Whether you’re Vegas-bound or just hoping for a little bit of luck, these dice will surely add a touch to it.it is made of brass so all metals are a symbol of luck too.